Attique Ahmed Khan

pic of Chief minister of Gilgit Sardar Attique Ahmed Khan also known as Sardar Atiq (born January 21, 1955, Ghaziabad, Jammu and Kashmir ia a Pakistani Kashmiri politician and President of the Muslim Conference, a political party in AJK. He was elected Prime Minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir on July 24, 2006.


Personal Profile

He is the son of , a renowned political, social and intellectual figure, and a grandee of All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference (a political party established in the year 1932 in British India). Sardar Quyyam has served as Prime Minister and President of Azad Government of the State of Jammu and Kashmir. The only other person to have served both the Prime Minister and as the President of the Government of Azad Jammu and Kashmir is Sardar Sikandar Hayat Khan.

He is failed from the university of University of Madinah of Saudi Arabia.

Face Book!/pages/Sardar-Attique-Ahmed-Khan/358270812614?ref=ts

International Achievements

Ten points proposal presented to the United Nations-recognized OIC Foreign Ministers Conference Contact Group on Kashmir in UN HQ’s New York on September 20–25, 2006 delineating negotiated approach over Kashmir dispute which were adopted by the annual coordinating meeting of the 57-member countries of OIC.

Led several political, humanitarian and diplomatic missions on sensitive regional issues to the World Forums/United Nations, Middle East, Europe, United States, Asia, Africa Acra (Ghana).

Socio-Political Credentials :

Elected 4th time as Member Legislative Assembly (MLA) of Azad Jammu and Kashmir;

As Prime Minister introduced and implemented social reforms providing social security guarantees to the socio-economically vulnerable segments of the society for the first time in Kashmir;

introduced public-private economic partnership in the industrial sector,

entrusted teaching at the elementary levels exclusively to the female teachers to ensure female representation in public sector at the grassroots level;

encouraged social and economic roles by the international NGOs/organizations for the development of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK);

got established for the first time Office of Asian Development Bank in AJK;

took practical steps for the introduction of international tourism and tunnels trade and tourism, water and women sports;

Introduced and institutionalized the vision of “Green and Skilled Kashmir” with special emphasis to create massive awareness among general public regarding global warming, environmental development, youth rehabilitation etc.

Established various new State institutions like Kashmir Bank, Kashmir Highway Authority (KHA), Kashmir Cultural Academy, Social Rehabilitation Trust, Kashmir Tourism Development Authority, Technical and Vocational Education Authority, Small Dams Authority, etc. for the common good of the masses; ensured equal gender employment avenues to Kashmiri youth.

For general public education, a chain of libraries at the sub-divisional level across AJK was initiated;

For best water management/conservation small dams with public utility water channels were planned for the first time in AJK by my government;

As Prime Minister promoted social harmony among various segments of the society by reenergizing the concept of econo-politico- religious cohesion/interdependence in globalized world by holding regular open weekly Friday congregational kutcheries;

Encouraged democratic pluralism in the society.

Introduced new democratic dimensions among Kashmiri youth as Chairman youth and students wing of All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference by regularly holding elections and ensuring grassroots participation in policy making decisions.

Socio-Political Credentials

Although Attique Ahmed Khan is not a refugee, he fast tracked his ambition by contesting his first two elections from a safe and poorly contested seat reserved for refugees in Karachi, Pakistan. It was a controversial back door entry in the AJK assembly. It was on his third stint as Member Legislative Assembly (MLA) of the State of Azad Jammu and Kashmir when he assumed the office of Prime Minister. As Prime Minister he promised to introduce the concept of public-private partnership in the society with exclusive emphasis on equal gender employment opportunities.

Introduced and institutionalized the vision of "Green and Skilled Kashmir" with special emphasis to bring in awareness among general public on global warming, environmental development, youth rehabilitation etc.

Established various new State institutions for common good like Kashmir Bank, Kashmir Highway Authority, Kashmir Cultural Academy, Social Rehabilitation Trust, Kashmir Tourism Development Authority, Technical and Vocational Education Authority etc. offering equal gender employment avenues to Kashmiri youth.

As Prime Minister promoted religious harmony among various segments of the society by reenergizing the concept of eco-politico and religious interdependence in globalized world by holding regular "Mosque Kutcheries."

Refurbishment of party cadres on more democratic and liberal lines by introducing constitutional amendments, allowing extra lebensraum to women political activists.

Introduced new democratic dimensions among Kashmiri youth as Chairman of youth and students wing of All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference by regularly holding elections and ensuring grassroots participation in policy making decisions.

Literary and Media Credentials

Freelance columnist of English and Urdu newspapers with special emphasis on socio-politico affairs. The ideas initiated in print media have been widely capitalized by target audience with far reaching consequences. Participated in various seminars and conferences over socio-politico and religious affairs held worldwide.


During his first year in office Mr. Khan made many trips overseas. He visited Europe, North America and even South America. It has been obvious that this gentleman was on a "world tour" to put pressure on international community for the peacful and viable solution to the Kashmir issue.

Out of 2 years 5 months and 13 days as prime minister he has remained in the capital at Muzaffarabad for 155 days. He has spent 121 days in foreign trips and in Islamabad and for 615 days he has been away in other places.

Removal from Office

Sardar Attique's attitude towards members of his own party, especially those who were politically allied to the former Prime Minister and President, Sardar Sikandar Hayat Khan had led to great friction within the ruling party. This resulted in a movement within the party, to bring the former Prime Minister Sardar Sikandar out of retirement, and create a 'Forward Block'. The sagious Sardar Sikandar gave the blessing to members of the Forward Block, and after immense discussions, a united group of the opposition and the Forward Block planned a no-confidence motion against Sardar Attique.

On Tuesday 6 January 2009, the legislators of Azad Jammu and Kashmir passed a no confidence vote and unseated Attique Ahmed Khan, from his position as the prime minister. A total of 31 members in the 49-member House favoured the no-confidence motion while 15 opposed it. Two members abstained. One seat was empty after the death of a member. Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan was elected as the new prime minister.
